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Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Building Together for a Better Future

Because every child deserves a hopeful future

Our Mission

Nofam aims to provide children with a more hopeful future by connecting people and organizations committed to helping others. Our added value lies in utilizing our collective knowledge, experience, and talent to facilitate and strengthen these connections. Our mission is to:

  1. Show disadvantaged children that they are not alone and connect them with engaged sponsors.

  2. Help charities increase their impact on the lives of the children they support by providing sustainable and effective communication and fundraising strategies.

  3. Promote knowledge sharing and collaboration among charities, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively.

  4. Involve sponsors in the impact they make and inspire them to continue their commitment.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world in which every child has access to education, health care, housing, nutrition, sanitation, and clean water. We aim to help 2 million disadvantaged children and create sustainable, meaningful relationships between children and their sponsors, while enabling charities to focus on their core activities.

We Are (Crazy) Mad

Don Quixote en Pancho illustratie.

Right?!? We dream of helping 2 million disadvantaged children worldwide towards a hopeful future. For this, we commit ourselves with all our soul and heart. Together we move mountains and make a difference with everyone who wants to join us on this (dream) journey and believes in the power of humanity. Because what remains of our humanity (/humaneness) if we stop dreaming of a future in which every child gets the same chance?

Are we mad then? Perhaps a little bit, really... But we gladly accept that if we are thereby able to touch the lives of children who otherwise would not have been given a chance. And in this, every child counts...

Our Core Values

At Nofam, our core values guide all our activities and interactions with others. They reflect what we stand for and how we aim to realize our mission.

  1. Future-oriented:
    Nofam focuses on creating a hopeful future for disadvantaged children. We strive for sustainability and long-term impact, so that we can continue to make a difference today, tomorrow, and in the future. Our relationships are focused on the long term, with team members, partners, charities, sponsors, donors, and the children we help.

  2. Ambitious:
    The Nofam team has a 'can-do' mentality and dreams big. We aim for global impact and want to reach children, charities, and sponsors in every country. We commit to lasting change and will continue until all children are helped or someone else takes over the task.

  3. Innovative:
    Nofam experiments and continuously learns through rapid iterations. We focus on innovation and development to continue making an impact. We listen carefully to all stakeholders and are open to new ideas, making conscious choices about which experiments we conduct and what our next steps are.

  4. Happiness:
    Nofam creates and spreads happiness among children, sponsors, donors, charities, partners, and team members. We work from passion and energy, aiming to create and share a moment of happiness in every connection.

  5. Connected:
    Nofam connects people and organizations, both online and offline, to make a difference for children worldwide together. We aim for sustainable and meaningful relationships and build bridges between people and organizations to create a future in which every child gets a chance.

  6. Loving:
    At Nofam, we act from our hearts and fully commit to achieving our goals. We are driven by trust, transparency, kindness, reliability, and loyalty. We give and share selflessly and unconditionally, and believe in the power of love and positive energy.

  7. Together:
    Nofam believes in the power of collaboration to make the world a better place. We work together with everyone who wants to create a future in which every child gets a chance.