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Our dream

The Nofam Foundation (Nova Familia) dreams of positively and sustainably changing the lives of 2 million underprivileged children. Established in 2018, we aim to enhance the societal impact of charitable organizations worldwide. Sponsors now increasingly expect engagement and transparency from charities, but the costs and complexity of this digital transition make it challenging for smaller charities with limited resources to meet these requirements. This hinders their growth as a charity and reduces their capacity to help disadvantaged children. To solve this problem, Nofam has developed an online web and app platform that connects charities and financial sponsors.

The Nofam platform facilitates the personal and sustainable relationship between disadvantaged children and sponsors via a charity worker who enables the exchange of photos and videos (update posts) between them. This builds meaningful and long-lasting relationships and supports charities worldwide in fulfilling their mission to help disadvantaged children.

Aiming to provide children worldwide with better education, health, housing, nutrition, and access to sanitation, we support charities in their digital transition. This enables them to focus entirely on transforming lives and creating a hopeful future for disadvantaged children.

Lachende kinderen uit India.
Because every child deserves a hopeful future

Helping Charities

Nofam collaborates with global charities dedicated to helping disadvantaged children, supporting them in their digital transition. These charities are already making a significant difference in the lives of these children. To further enhance their impact, Nofam assists them in effectively deploying online resources and expertise. By offering digital tools, we optimize the bond between child sponsors and sponsored children, enabling charities to perform their valuable work even better.

This improved collaboration allows charities to focus on what is most important to them: supporting children who face multidimensional poverty and hardships in the areas of education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation, and water. At the same time, charities save time and resources as they do not need to invest in online expertise and do not have to reinvent the wheel.

We achieve our dream of helping 2 million children, in a quality way, by offering our app to foundations that already sustainably help disadvantaged children so they can focus their efforts on providing aid to the child and supporting the journey that the sponsored child takes with the sponsor.

Driven by an Unwavering Conviction

Nofam is the result of the passionate vision of Erik Jager, a dedicated entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in supporting disadvantaged children in Belarus, and Haroet Aragelian, a resilient young entrepreneur who understands the challenges of fleeing his homeland. Our team consists of board members with impressive backgrounds in the entrepreneurial field, including extensive experience in IT (20+ years), online commerce (10+ years), and the financial world (25+ years). We are each convinced that improving the lives of others increases our own well-being and happiness.

Over the years, we have made considerable financial and time investments to realize our bold dream - to assist 2 million disadvantaged children. Driven by the desire to make a difference for those less fortunate every day, we work shoulder to shoulder to create impact. We recognize the power of connection and the importance of collective efforts in this mission.

Nofam strives to provide children with a more hopeful future by connecting people and organizations dedicated to helping others. Our added value lies in leveraging our collective knowledge, experience, and talent to facilitate and strengthen these connections.

We are convinced that it is crucial to connect people and organizations that want to help others. This leads to greater impact and efficiency in their collective efforts. By working together, we can achieve more and foster sustainable and meaningful relationships that significantly improve the lives of disadvantaged children.

With passion and from the depths of our hearts, Nofam is committed to connecting, supporting, developing, and enriching the lives of children worldwide. We are devoted to every child because we believe that each of them deserves a chance at a hopeful future.

Erik Jager - Voorzitter Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Erik - Voorzitter Stichting Nofam.

Erik Jager

Visionary / Dreamer (b)

Profielafbeelding Nofam bestuurslid van Haroet Aragelian.
Profielafbeelding Nofam bestuurslid van Haroet Aragelian.

Haroet Aragelian

eCommerce Tiger (b)

Majorie Jager - Vrijwilliger Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Majorie - Vrijwilliger Stichting Nofam.

Majorie Jager

Donation Finances (v)

Marcel Guis - Vrijwilliger Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Marcel.

Marcel Guis

UI Design (v)

Marco - Vrijwilliger Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Marco.

Marco Koreman

Program Coach (v)

Marlous Beets - Vrijwilliger Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Marlous.

Marlous Beets

Shop Operator (v)

Saša Radovanović - Bestuurslid Stichting Nofam.
Jonge Saša.

Saša Radovanović

Product Impact Manager (b,m)